Cassandra Buss

Cassandra keeps the books in order and the staff in line, serving in a vital role at Twelve23.

Even though Cassandra is only in the office once a week at Twelve23, she says it’s the best day of her week. She enjoys the comradery of the team and can’t wait to hear what her “computer kids” have been up to.

Cassandra’s extensive experience in general business operations comes from years in the field. A few highlights are: a storied banking career that includes a key position in the successful startup of a private business bank, the pleasure of being recognized locally as the youngest Senior Vice President in community banking, the excitement of starting her own business and the satisfaction of participating in and contributing to other business’ successes through consulting and bookkeeping services.

When she’s not working on one of her many commitments, you may find her beach combing in Westport with her dog and hubs or organizing… her closets, your closets, whatever she can get her hands on!

Fun Fact

Cassandra’s goals as a high school graduate were to own a Jeep and a basset hound – both of which she accomplished before finishing college. All the rest of this has just been gravy.